Community Service Requirements

1 ) Proposal due Sept 15th
2) Hours due by Oct 31 - Use the Volunteer Service Evaluation Report , has hours on the back
3) Reflection due by Nov 11 - see below

Community Service Reflection Essay

As noted on the VOLUNTEER SERVICE EVALUATION REPORT distributed to you, the evaluation must  be accompanied by a written reaction paper of 2 to 3 word processed pages (500 to 750 words) relating to the total experience of your community service.

To better help you organize and write this paper in order to earn full credit for the assignment, the reaction paper

must include the following topic and information.
I. An Introduction
II. Profile of the organization(s) you worked for.
o Who are they?
o What do they do to serve the community?
o When do they provide their services?
o Where do they provide their services?
o Why is there a need for their services?

III. The mission statement of the organization. (If you worked for a structured organization not an

IV.  Description of the specific tasks you performed for he organization or individual
    - Discuss any memorable personal experience; positive or negative, you had during your service
that you feel were important.
    -  How these tasks impacted the mission of the organization or the well-being of the individual

V.  Your personal reactions to the act of performing community service 
   - Positive and/or negative reactions
   -  Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not.

VI.   What impact do you believe community service has on our society?
    - Use the reading on Why Volunteering is Important

VII.  Would you recommend your community service opportunity(ies) to other students
o Why or why not

Formatting requirements for the paper
General Requirements:
500 - 750 words in length
Word processed in 12 pt size font
Accepted fonts: Times or Times New Roman
Margins: 1-inch top, bottom, left & right
Double spaced

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